5 ways Digital Signage can help Convenience Stores ?

03/22/2021 07:00 AM ET

Convenience stores / C-Stores are thriving despite growing acceptance for easiness in online shopping. In today's world customers need everything quickly, and these large number of customers, who still love to store-shop, expect quick and affordable services in stores. Digital Signage can be a game changer in this scenario and help the store’s marketing strategies to ultimately boost sales.

The more convenient, cost effective, and easily updatable digital signage boards help convenience stores, which stock almost all everyday items from groceries to over-the-counter drugs, in more than one ways.

C-Store Digital Signage Blog

chevron_right Attract on-the-go customers

The beautifully laid-out digital displays with images and videos grab attention of on-the-go customers, giving them first impression of what is in store. New arrivals and speciality products could be displayed with much ease, giving up-to-date information. In stores, majority of customers are interested in various offers and other promotional content, which could be displayed digitally on time, and in an inviting manner. The wide display of items encourages increased spending, resulting in better sales.

chevron_right Reduce perceived wait times

Digital Signage Displays with their loads of information and visuals, engage customers reducing the feeling of long wait especially in rush hours. Such displays entertain and enhance customer experience. Along with the information of store contents, convenience store signage can display news, weather, general information and other content to grab customer’s attention.

chevron_right Cost effective

Digital Signs are a cost effective way for marketing. It is more convenient and easy to use, as changing screen presentation and content is just a click away. The easiness in placing boards on store walls helps to save valuable store space on the floor. It also can reduce labor at the store level. In addition, the technology behind digital signage is simple and can be managed easily and more effectively.

chevron_right Stand out in competition

In a highly competitive convenience store industry, digital signage gives a store the much needed extra edge. With easily customizable, high-resolution screens, stores can grab customers' attention and cater to their special needs. Not only that, displaying useful general messages and activities of local community will attract local customers.

Studies show that using digital signage solution and supporting technologies help in boosting sales as well as brand loyalty significantly. The up-to-date information about new products, offers, other promotions and services help the stores gain competitive edge, and also encourage customers to repeat their visits.

chevron_right Promote future visits

Most Convenience Store customers shop 1-2 times per week, and that number can be even higher for loyalty program participants. Location and brand loyalty are critical objectives for any convenience store, as they drive business – if your location is convenient, customer service is good and there is an incentive such as a reward system bringing your customers back every time, they’ll never feel the need to go elsewhere.

Using Digital Signage Software to promote frequent-buyer discounts or promotional programs alongside messages which showcase your available products will give your customers further incentive to return to your location, increasing customer visits and sales.

About C-Store Digital Signage

We are not just another Digital Signage provider. We are an extension of our customers marketing team. A team with decades of experience in Digital Marketing. We offer FREE consultation in building Digital Signage networks – Technology, Strategic placement of Displays, Installation, Content Creation and Management of the Network.

If you have any questions about our solutions, services, or pricing or are not sure if digital signage would enhance your business, Please feel free to Contact us