How Digital Signage can help businesses with social distancing messages during COVID-19 Pandemic ?

06/16/2021 02:23 AM ET

Social distancing has become the new normal since the COVID-19 pandemic wreaked havoc in our lives. Retailers, restaurants, showrooms, convenience stores, and gas stations play a huge role in reminding people about healthy practices like maintaining social distance, washing your hands often, and wearing a face mask.

According to researchers, messages are more effective when they are repeated, i.e. a person might need to see a message several times before it actually sticks in his mind.

How C-Store Digital Signage help during COVID-19 Pandemic

Usually businesses use printed signs made of plastic, metals or vinyls to post social distancing messages. However, over a period of time, these wall signs can fade or smear off due to exposure to water, sun light, and chemicals.

As there seems to be no weakening of the pandemic, the rules of 6 ft social distancing as well as wearing of mask in public are here to stay for quite some time. In that case, retailers, restaurants, convenience stores, and gas stations will need to find a better way to display efficient and clear signage to keep both customers and business safe and prepared during this COVID-19 pandemic.

Digital Signage solutions with LED Displays can be used to give effective and interactive social distancing messages in stores during this pandemic. LED Displays make your store look good and attract passing traffic.

Digital Signage boards can be used to show videos or images of how long to wash your hands, how to measure six-feet for social distancing, and how to properly wear a mask. Digital signage can help create safer environments and in turn give better customer experiences.

Changing signs and messages on a Digital Screen is easier, compared to the generally used traditional methods. A business can choose to show different messages in a single display and can also include their own promotions and offers along with the signs.

Digital Signage is also cost effective, and can be easily updated to show different messages. It can be used for other purposes, like displaying menus, offers, promotions, etc. after the pandemic gets over. However, if a business continues to rely on traditional methods, they will have to spend more and buy several different traditional signs, which will become redundant once the world recovers from the Covid-19 pandemic.

About C-Store Digital Signage

We are not just another Digital Signage provider. We are an extension of our customers marketing team. A team with decades of experience in Digital Marketing. We offer FREE consultation in building Digital Signage networks – Technology, Strategic placement of Displays, Installation, Content Creation and Management of the Network.

If you have any questions about our solutions, services, or pricing or are not sure if digital signage would enhance your business, Please feel free to Contact us